Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has enjoyed the spotlight as the sole superpower in world affairs. Yet the 21st century promises to be characterized by multiple and competing sources of global power. Join
Michael R. Kraig for “Rising Powers: The New Global Reality” at the Peters Township Public Library on Thursday, March 19 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. as he provides analysis of the dynamics driving the diffusion, redistribution, and redefinition of power around the globe.
Dr. Michael Kraig is director of Policy Analysis and Dialogue at the
Stanley Foundation in Muscatine, Iowa. In this role, he is currently managing the overall conceptual and substantive direction of several foundation initiatives: United Nations and Global Institutions; US and Global Security; US and Asian Security; US and Middle East Security; Rising Powers; and Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament. These ongoing programs are centered on widening the policy debate in the United States and within foreign capitals by discussing multilateral, cooperative policy options that could make both the United States and the world more prosperous and secure. Kraig has a Ph.D. in political science from the University at Buffalo, New York, with a concentration in international relations, US foreign policy, and comparative politics.
Register for this program at the library’s circulation desk, call 724-941-9430 or email
Carrie Weaver.
This program is part of the library’s continuing partnership with the
World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh and is part of this year’s series "Looking to the Future: the U.S. and the World”. An honorarium for these speakers was generously provided by a grant from the
McMurray Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 764.