Thursday, December 23, 2010
Free FAFSA Workshop with PHEAA
The program will begin at 10:00 a.m. with an overview of the online FAFSA form and will include time for questions. All participants MUST register online or at the library circulation desk. Families can also register for an optional session following the program to complete the FAFSA form online at the library with assistance from Jayeann Harr of the PHEAA Pittsburgh Regional Office. The four 30-minute sessions will begin at noon and end at 2 p.m. Register at the library circulation desk or email the library and indicate your preferred time slot: noon, 12:30p.m., 1:00 p.m. or 1:30 p.m.
If your child is a high school senior planning to go onto higher education, your family must complete the FAFSA to qualify for federal and most state grants, scholarships, low-cost student loans, work-study programs, Pennsylvania state grant programs, and many school-based student aid programs.
To complete the FAFSA online, please bring federal income tax returns, W-2 forms, and business and investment information for both student and parent(s) to the help session. For more information about Federal Student Aid and completing the FAFSA, visit the FAFSA web site.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Win the clutter battle once and for all!
Imagine being able to find things when you need them…not three weeks later. If you’ve been miserable because clutter and chaos are ruling your life, ” …But I Might Need It Someday” is for you! Based on her first book by the same title, this program will help you understand the habits that keep you from organizing your work and lives. Patty will show you how to overcome your natural tendencies and conquer clutter in all its forms once and for all.
Patty Kreamer is a Certified Professional Organizer®, author, national speaker, organizer Coach, and president of Kreamer Connect. Patty is the author of two books, “…But I Might Need It Someday!” and “The Power of Simplicity” as well as The Clutter Rescue Course. Most recently, Patty became the owner of the online store that carries over 1500 organizing products worldwide. Patty was named Women's Business Network's 2007 Woman of the Year. For more information, visit her web site.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Alternative Energy Options: Solar, Wind and Geothermal
The program will include an overview of wind and geothermal technologies, with information on feasibility and cost and benefits for residential, commercial, community and utility scale applications. Solar energy will be discussed, including a demonstration of the process used to create solar panels, how solar panels work and how the home or commercial business owner can save on their electric bill and earn from selling their alternative energy credits.
Register for this free program online or call 724.941.9430.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Tree-Lighting Ceremony and Holiday Party
We'll also be welcoming John Steigerwald, a former KDKA-TV sports reporter and currently a sports columnist for the Observer-Reporter, who will be offering a preview of his newly published book, Just Watch the Game, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.. It's a terrific way to get in the holiday spirit and spend time with family and friends!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Library marks Veterans Day with opening of World Affairs International Program Series
As is fitting for this date, Mr. Sokol will be recognizing the McMurray Veterans of Foreign Wars POST 764 for generously providing support for this program series in the community over the past four years. Sokol will also discuss key global trends and how they relate to World Affair Council programs and new initiatives. The presentation will address the important issues facing the international community and the options available for dealing with the rapidly changing political and economic forces impacting United States interests around the world.
Register online for this free program, at the library circulation desk, or call 724.941.9430. The McMurray Veterans of Foreign Wars POST 764 is providing support for the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh 2010-2011 program series.
Monday, October 18, 2010
This Week @ the Library Oct. 18 -23
Ages: For kids and parents of all ages
When: Monday, October 18
Time: 6:00 - 7:45 p.m.
How to Train Your Dragon (rated PG for sequences of intense action and some scary images, and brief mild language)
It's movie night at the library! Bring your whole family as we watch terrific new release movies. We'll provide the popcorn and candy -- you don't even have to buy tickets! What could be better? Just bring a sleeping bag and/or a stuffed animal friend. See you at the movies! Register in the Children's Department.
Ages: For kids and parents of all ages
When: Tuesday, October 19
Time: 6:00 - 6:45 p.m.
Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away ... comes to a library near you! Wear your Star Wars costume or outfit! Make your very own light saber! Share stories from the Star Wars universe and watch R2-D2's favorite video! Use the force and come to the good side at our Star Wars Celebration. Register in the Children's Department.
Ages: Grades 4 - 8
When: Thursday, October 21
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Come to our very own Halloween Party for grades 4 - 8 ... if you dare! Wear your creepy or cute costume, play gruesome games, win petrifying prizes, and of course enjoy lots of sweet and spooky snacks! A special extra-fun, super-sweet edition of Camp Creepy. Register in the Children's Department.
From the Young Adult Department
When: Monday, October 18
Time: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Join us to celebrate 2010's Teen Read Week, "Read Beyond Reality." During this book-themed afternoon we will make a craft, have snacks and discuss our favorite books!
Ages: Grades 6 - 12
When: Saturday, October 23
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Check in is at 11:30 a.m. Game play will begin at 12:00 p.m.
You must check in before 12:00 p.m. in order to play.
Cost: $2.00 entrance fee
Take a journey into the future with our first ever Metroid Prime Trilogy Tournament! Battle your friends for championship status. First and second place winners will earn awesome prizes!
When: Thursday, October 21
Time: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Drop by the Teen Room for an afternoon of crafty fun. Using materials found around the house, we will make unique covers for your laptops, iPods and books!
Programs for Adults
Meeting dates: 3rd Monday of the month (October 18)
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Are you interested in learning to live lightly on the planet? If so, please join us for our next GO Green Club meeting. The mission of the PTPL GO Green Club is to provide the community with educational resources through programs, library materials, and volunteer activities to help create a more environmentally- friendly and responsible lifestyle. Please email the library if you plan on attending. If you do not have email, you may register at the library's circulation desk.
When: Tuesday, October 19
Time: 7:00 - 8:45 p.m.
Instructor: Peter Stamoolis
This hands-on course will teach students how to use Microsoft Word on a PC to prepare professional looking cover letters and resumes. The purposes and various formats of each will be covered. Register at the library's circulation desk. Please note: there is no charge for this class.
When: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month (October 19)
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Are you interested in learning how to save money in your monthly budget? Then the Peters Township Public Library Couponing Club is for you! Join is as we meet to swap coupons, exchange ideas and strategies for using coupons, and maintain the Coupon Swap Box in the library. Bring a pair of scissors to clip coupons during our lively and informative discussions! Register for this program online, at the library's circulation desk, or call 724-941-9430.
When:Tuesday, October 19, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. OR
Saturday, October 23, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Presented by: Margie Webb, RN, NCTMB Join Registered Nurse and Certified Massage Therapist Margie Webb as she guides you through this interactive workshop. Participants will learn about breast anatomy, the changes in breast tissue throughout a woman's lifetime, changing negative thinking about self breast exams, the lastest guidelines from the American Cancer Society, boosting the immune system, and relaxation, laughter and movement for healthy breasts. Register for this program online here for the October 19 session, online here for the October 23 session, or at the library's circulation desk.
When: 3rd Wednesday of every month
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
October 20: Planning meeting
The book club meets in the library's 2nd floor Reading Room. Please call the Reference staff at 724-941-9430 ext. 327 for information.
When: Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, beginning Wednesday, October 20
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Ages: 12 and up
Facilitator: Karen Krohner of Beads 2 Wear
Join us for an evening of beading, work on an existing project, or begin a new one in the company of fellow beaders. Beginners and experienced beaders welcome. Bring your supplies and a small task light, if you have one. Additional supplies and tools will be available for purchase. A monthly project will be planned. Participation in project optional. Monthly project for October: Earring Workshop -- beginners welcome. Design at least two pairs of earrings. Learn to make wrapped and plain loops. Tools needed: chain nose and round nose pliers, wire cutter. Materials kit and tools will be available for purchase. Register at the library's circulation desk .
When: Thursday, October 21
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Are you tired of using the same recipes every month? Interested in trying a new cuisine or healthier recipe options? The Peters Township Public Library is looking for patrons interested in these topics to start a cooking club to meet monthly for cooking demonstrations and discussions, followed by food samples. Join us for our first meeting (planning session) on October 21. Tentative plans for the club include a demonstration on cooking with healthy grains in November, followed by a discussion and sampling of Jewish home cooking in December. Register for this program online, at the library's circulation desk, or call 724-941-9430.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ride with Us: Explore Ridesharing Options with CommuteInfo
The CommuteInfo program can help, offering free ridematching services to help commuters learn about the options available to them, including transit, vanpool, carpool, biking and walking. Lisa Kay Schweyer, the Program Developer for the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission’s CommuteInfo Program will be presenting an overview of the program’s services at the Peters Township Public Library on Saturday, November 13th at 10:30 a.m. Register for this free program online, at the library circulation desk or call 724.941.9430. This is a PTPL GO Green Club program.
For area residents “…carpools and vanpools are becoming more and more of a viable option,” says Schweyer. She notes that the CommuteInfo program can help match them up with other commuters in the area, or provide helpful links and information. “Think of CommuteInfo as a restaurant menu of commuting choices,” says Schweyer.
Visit CommuteInfo for more detailed information on commuting alternatives. It’s free to register, and benefits include informational updates and for those who join a “pool”, participation in the Emergency Ride Home service. Schweyer reminds commuters to consider their schedules and evaluate what their own personal transport needs are, and to consider sharing their ride, even 2 or 3 days a week.
Monday, October 11, 2010
This Week @ the Library Oct. 11-16
Ages: Girls in grades 4 - 8 and their moms / caregivers
When: Monday, October 11
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
It's a girls night out! All mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and daughters are invited to meet once a month -- just us girls! Enjoy reading together, watching chick flicks, and sharing in this special book club! Register in the Children's Department.
Ages: For kids and parents of all ages
When: Tuesday, October 12
Time: 6:00 - 6:45 p.m.
Look for the Bear Necessities .. they're at the library! Make awesome jungle animal masks, play games, and enjoy treats fit for a trek through the wildest jungle! Watch and sing along with your favorite Jungle Book songs on the big screen and take your turn at the tiger piñata! It's a jungle in here! Register in the Children's Department.
Ages: For all ages
When: Tuesday, October 12
Time: 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Come and get first dibs on the first in the new series by Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero! Compete in Camp Half Blood trials, watch the movie featuring our favorite Olympic hero Percy Jackson, wear a toga, enjoy Greek snacks, and win prizes! It's a party of Olympic proportions! Register in the Children's Department.
From the Young Adult Department
When: Wednesday, October 13
Time: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Join us as we travel the world! Each month, we'll visit another exciting country and experience their cuisine, art, music, and more. Pack your suitcase and get your passports ready! This week: AUSTRIA
When: Thursday, October 14
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Need a break from class and homework? If so, join us for a relaxing afternoon of movies and munchies in the Teen Reading Room.
When: Every Friday, now through December 17
Time: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Join us in the Teen Reading Room to celebrate your love of all things Anime and Manga. We'll discuss and watch the latest trends in comics, DVD's and magazines. All otaku are welcome!
Ages: All ages welcome!
When: Saturday, October 16
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Check in is at 11:30 a.m. Game play will begin at 12:00 p.m.
You must check in before 12:00 p.m. in order to play.Cost: $2.00 entrance fee
Registration is required for each tournament session.
Due to popular demand, our brawl tournament series is continuing this fall! Join us in the Teen Room to show off your brawling skills and win some awesome prizes. The top scorers each month will earn the chance to compete and win in our January 8, 2011 Grand Championship. Start practicing and get ready to BRAWL!
Questions? E-mail the Young Adult Librarian .
Programs for Adults
When: Tuesday, October 12
Time: 7:00 - 8:45 p.m.
Cost: $5.00
In this class, students will learn about templates, multiple columns, adding graphics, mail merge, and discuss compatibility issues related to the Microsoft Office 2007 programs at the library. Basic mouse and keyboarding skills are required.
Pre-registration is required. Registration is not complete until payment is received; register at the library's circulation desk.
When: 2nd Wednesday of every month
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
October 13: Luncheon of the Boating Party by Susan Vreeland
The book club meets in the library's 2nd floor Reading Room. Please call the Reference staff at 724-941-9430 ext. 327 for information.
When: Thursday, October 14
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Presented by: Lindsey A. Biddle, Management Consultant, University of Pittsburgh Small Business Development Center, Ed Nemeth, Washington County Council on Economic Development, and Mary Gibson, Attorney
Thinking of starting a small business? Find out all of the basics at this seminar. This program is geared towards individuals interested in starting their own business. The program will go over different business structures, licensure necessary to start a small business, sources of startup capital, and the steps one should take before opening a small business in the state of Pennsylvania. Register for this program online, at the library's circulation desk, or call 724-941-9430.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Going Local with Faith Starr
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Social Security and Financial Planning Event
Register for this free program online, at the library’s circulation desk or call 724.941.9430.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
College Financial Aid Night
In conjunction with the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), the Peters Township Public Library will host a free “College Financial Aid Night” on Monday, September 27, 2010 from 6:30– 8:00 p.m. at the library. The program will be given by Jim Cardinale, Regional Director of the Pittsburgh Office of PHEAA, who will provide an overview of the financial aid process.
Parents and students are invited to the 60-minute presentation, which will describe all federal and PA-state financial aid programs, scholarships and FAFSA application processes. Other topics will include how colleges award aid to families and how financial aid deadline dates interface with the college admissions process. Loan rates and interest rates for students and parents will also be discussed. A question and answer session will follow the program.
Registration is necessary for this free program via email, at the Library's circulation desk, or call 724-941-9430.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Running for Fun and Fitness: Prevent Pain and Injury
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Home Canning Basics at the Library
Even with all the technological advances in the last fifty years, home canning is one of the safest and most reliable methods of preserving food, if done properly. “Home Canning Basics” will be taught by Loretta O’Brien, who has been canning for 33 years, and Angie Phares, Peters Township Public Library GO Green Club President and Master Gardening candidate.
Register for this free program online, at the library’s circulation desk, or call 724-941-9430.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Native Southwestern PA Plants in the Garden
Hosting by the PTPL GO Green Club, "Native Plants in the Garden and Landscape" will explain how growing native plants can reduce maintenance and water usage, saving time and money; reduce air, water, and noise pollution; increase biodiversity and create wildlife habitat; and increase property values. This workshop will introduce you to beautiful and landscape-friendly trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, and perennials, all native to Southwest Pennsylvania. Register at the library's circulation desk or call 724.941.9430.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Two-part Couponing 101 series
The two sessions will explain coupon basics such as where to find the best coupons, how to organize your coupons and to use the weekly circulars to your best advantage. Find out how to read a coupon, what to do with expired coupons, and get your children, spouse, family and friends involved in the process. Each participant will receive a coupon packet to help start a coupon collection.
These classes will be offered by local coupon” experts” Cindi Johnson, Randy Piscatelli, and Lori Lautar, who will share the strategies and tips they have learning during their several years of couponing. Ms. Johnson initiated and maintains the “Coupon Swap” box at the library and has been an avid couponer for 40 years. Mr. Piscatelli has donated over $32,000 in food to various agencies that he has gotten for free through clipping coupons. He believes families can cut their food bills by 50 to 75% easily. Ms. Lautar regularly saves at least 50% on her grocery bills with coupons, and plans to share her knowledge about “coupon stacking” - combining more than one discount when purchasing an item.
To attend these free sessions, please register at the library circulation desk, call 724-941-9430, or email the library. Depending on the interest level at these sessions, the library is considering starting a couponing club for patrons to swap coupons, share web sites with coupon offers, and learn to save money on all their purchases.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Visit the Library Booth at Community Day!
We will be featuring information and activities for all ages! Children will have bandanas to decorate and carnival games, and the popular Sno-Cone machine will be back for an encore performance! For teens, there will be sand art key-chains and the opportunity to play Wii Sports Resort on a portable TV. The Reference Department staff and volunteers will be providing instruction on accessing Mango Languages - Language Learning Online Resource, available for free for library patrons. Members of the library's "GO Green" Club will be offering a recycling display and will be available to speak with visitors about the club's activities and projects.You can also purchase raffle tickets for a framed, signed (11 signatures) Pittsburgh Penguins jersey -- the winner will be chosen on July 6, and tickets ($2.00 each) are available at the library's circulation desk and will also be available at the Library's booth.
Stop by our booth and learn about everything we have to offer to you and your whole family!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Start off your summer by learning a new language!

Mango is the easiest and most effective way to learn to speak a foreign language. Mango is available in two versions:
Mango Basic:
Perfect for a foreign language beginner, Mango Basic teaches everyday greetings, gratitudes, goodbyes and helpful phrases in a short period of time. The courses, which require only two to five hours of time to complete, are currently available in 22 foreign languages and 14 English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. You can view all the supported Mango Basic languages and ESL courses here.
Mango Complete:
Mango Complete offers a 100-lesson course that digs much deeper and is designed to provide a more complete understanding of the entire language and culture. It is available in nine foreign language and three ESL courses. Foreign language courses include Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. ESL courses include Polish, Spanish and Portuguese.
To learn more about Mango and get a short preview of what the program has to offer, you can visit the company's website. Even better, you can visit the library's link to Mango and get started on the courses themselves!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Dad's Day Out @ the Library!
“Dad’s Day Out” is a special day to celebrate all things about dad. Events planned include a comedy dads’ movie marathon, father-son-daughter storytime, duct tape craft projects, and a Fathers vs. Kids Wii Tournament. There will also be an “Ugly Tie Contest”, so patrons are encouraged to wear their most hideous tie to win a prize! During the event, dads can also learn about the many resources available at the library to make their lives easier – free WiFi, study rooms, Consumer Reports online, Mango Languages and more. Refreshments will be available. Fathers and their children are encouraged to stop in at any time throughout the day.
Raffle tickets will be sold to win a framed, autographed Pittsburgh Penguins sweatshirt, which will be on display. Players who signed the shirt include: Matt Cooke, Sydney Crosby, Ruslan Fedotenko, Eric Godard, Alex Goligoski, Kris Letang, Sergei Gonchar, Jay McKee, Marc Andre Fleury, Craig Adams, and Jordon Staal. Tickets are $2 each and are currently available in the Children’s Department, the Young Adult Department and the circulation desk. The drawing for the shirt will be held on Tuesday, July 6. Proceeds from the raffle will benefit the library, and you need not be present at the drawing to win.
To attend the “Dad’s Day Out” program, please call the Children's Department at 724.941.9430 or email the library.
Summer Series of Gardening Workshops
The series will feature three different programs:
Greening Your Garden on Thursday, June 17 at 7:00 p.m.
Rain gardens, grasscycling, native plants, xeriscaping, ecological landscaping... all these are ways to make your yard a healthier place, both for you and the environment. This workshop will explore the damaging effects of conventional gardening and landscaping practices, and offer alternative practices for "greening" your lawn and garden.
Native Plants in the Garden and Landscape on Thursday, July 29 at 7:00 p.m.
Native plants are one of the hottest trends in gardening and landscaping. Why? Because growing native plants can reduce maintenance and water usage, saving time and money; reduce air, water, and noise pollution; increase biodiversity and create wildlife habitat; and increase property values. This workshop will introduce you to beautiful and landscape-friendly trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, and perennials, all native to Southwest Pennsylvania.
Dealing with Problems in the Green Garden on Thursday, August 26 at 7:00 p.m."How do I identify and remove invasive plants? What pesticides are safest to use? How do I keep raccoons, deer, rabbits, voles and other wild creatures from damaging my garden?" If you've asked yourself these or similar questions, you need to come to this workshop to learn the answers!
Register for any or all of these three programs by emailing the library or call 724-941-9430.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Giant Oaks Garden Club Plant Sale TODAY!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Composting 101 Workshop
Mrs. Phares has lived in the area for 5 years and has recently completed the coursework for the Washington County Master Gardener program. She and her family have been composting for several years and are amazed at how much can go in the compost bin! Register for the program to learn more about this time-honored practice for improving soil structure and increasing soil fertility.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Author Visit: Carmen Stenholm
Friday, May 7, 2010
Enrolling for Social Security Benefits and Online Services
The Social Security representative will discuss Retirement benefits, Disability benefits, Survivor benefits and Medicare. Attendees will learn about the features of Social Security Online, the advantages of using this website and some helpful navigation tips. There will be a question and answer session after the program. Information packages will be available. Register at the library's circulation desk or call 724.941.9430.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Food for Life Series offered at the library
Each session will feature a video segment by Neal Barnard, M.D. on the nutrition topic(s) of the day:
May 5: Introduction to How Foods Fight Cancer
May 12: Fueling up on Low-Fat, High-Fiber Foods
May 19: Discovering Dairy and Meat Alternatives
May 26: Cancer-Fighting Compounds and Healthy Weight Control
Cost for the entire four-class series is $80, payable upon registration at the library’s circulation desk. The class fee includes meal samples and a loaner copy of The Cancer Survivor's Guide, which has extensive nutrition information and more than 100 pages of recipes. The book may be purchased at the conclusion of the series. For information and more detailed class descriptions, visit the Cancer Project web site.
Mexico: Meeting the Challenges of Economic Recovery and Expanded Organized Crime
These issues will be discussed as part of the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh’s International series, The Economics of Power-Rising Powers in a Changing World at the Peters Township Public Library on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 from 7:00 – 8:30 P.M. Dr. Arnulfo Valdivia Machuca, Chief of International Affairs of the State of Mexico will present Mexico: Meeting the Challenges of Economic Recovery and Expanded Organized Crime.
Mexico is one of the United States’ top trading partners and is a powerful economic force in Latin America. The end of the single party rule and steady economic growth have afforded new freedoms and opportunities, but the recent rise in power of domestic drug cartels has created an atmosphere of insecurity and volatility. This, coupled with a difficult recovery from the recent global economic downturn, brings about a number of challenges regarding Mexico’s economic future. How will Mexico respond to these challenges? What are the implications for United States – Mexico relations?
Register for this free program at the Library’s Circulation Desk or call 724-941-9430. For additional information, please email Pier Lee, Director, Peters Township Public Library or call at 724-941-9430 or email Brandon Wallace, World Affairs Council Community Program Director or call 412-281-7055.
An honorarium for this program is generously provided by a grant from the McMurray Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 764.
Monday, April 19, 2010
A visit from a very special neighbor!
Fans of the Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood television show will remember Mr. Newell for his on-going performance as the neighborhood mailman “Mr. McFeely”, best known for his catchphrase: "Speedy delivery! Speedy delivery!" Residing in Pittsburgh, Newell is the director of public relations for Family Communications, Inc., a non-profit production company created in 1971 by Fred Rogers. He was recently featured in a documentary called Speedy Delivery, produced by several Carnegie Mellon University graduate students. Newell presently tours the country as “Mr. McFeely” promoting Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, the longest running children’s program on PBS.
Put on your favorite sweater and join your friends and neighbors at this free event – all ages are welcome! Please register in the Children’s Department for this free program.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Library celebrates 40th anniversary of Earth Day
The library’s GO Green Club will offer a free film screening of the documentary No Impact Man on April 22 at 7:00 p.m. The No Impact Project web site explains, “For one year, Colin Beavan and his family unplugged from the electrical grid, produced no trash, traveled exclusively by foot or bike, and bought nothing except food (all of it locally grown). By the end, they discovered something surprising: living simply wasn’t just good for the environment; it made them healthier, happier, and richer in ways they’d never expected.” This film is rated PG and suitable for family viewing.
A large display in the main lobby of the library created by members of the GO Green Club will explain everything you need to know about recycling in Peters Township. Books about sustainable living, organic gardening, and other earth-friendly topics are being featured on the second floor of the library. The GO Green Club members have also registered for township’s annual Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 24 from 9:00 a.m. until noon and will be working outside the library and in the parking lot that morning. The Club’s blog Living the Green Life is available through the library web site.
The Young Adult and Children’s Departments at the library have also planned activities for Earth Day. After school from 3:30-5:00 p.m. on April 22, teens in grades 6-12 will be doing a craft from recyclable materials and watching the film “Planet Earth”. From 6:00-6:45 p.m. kids and parents of all ages will celebrate Earth Day with a special storytime, activities and crafts. Children can sign a leaf for a promise tree to keep our world growing green. Families are then encouraged to remain for the film, No Impact Man, which will begin at 7:00 p.m. Register at the library’s circulation desk.
To join the library’s GO Green Club, please email Carrie Weaver or register at the library’s circulation desk.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Step Back in Time Program to kick-off National Library Week
The Peters Township Public Library will begin its National Library Week festivities on Sunday, April 11 at 1:00 p.m. with Step Back in Time: A Celebration of Life in Peters Township. The event, which will remember the history of Peters Township through exhibits, memorabilia, photographs, and slide presentations, is an excellent tie in with this year’s national theme of Communities Thrive @ your library.
The afternoon will begin with the Peters Township High School Jazz Band performing a variety of big band music. Visitors to the library that afternoon will also:
- Meet Robert Donaldson and Patricia Donaldson Stutzman at their exhibit One Hundred years of Change at Donaldson's Crossroads.
- Tour the library's Local History Room collection and discover treasures from the way life used to be in Peters Township.
- Walk down memory lane with Edward Lybarger for a slideshow presentation Last Days of the Hollywood (Restaurant) and enjoy Hollywood Memorabilia courtesy of the Bob and Jane McClure family.
The Peters Township Public Library welcomes new residents to this event, as well as families who fondly recall living in the area during earlier times. Activities are scheduled from 1:00-4:30 p.m. that day, with refreshments at the conclusion provided compliments of Peters Township Friends of the Library. Register for this free program at the library's circulation desk or by calling 724-941-9430.
Experts to discuss planning a traffic-free bike trip
You will learn strategies for planning your trip, how to select an itinerary, options for shorter trips, and whether to travel independently or with an organized group (Outfitter). Find out about lodging and meal alternatives and what you might expect from resources along the way. This presentation will also focus on identifying what kind of assistance you will need to determine if you would enjoy a self-contained trip, a lightly supported trip, or a fully supported trip with someone else responsible for making all the arrangements including a guide to travel with the group. Suggestions for planning your distance for each day of your trip will be offered, along with the pros and cons of choosing an eastbound or a westbound trip with the description of the trails for each direction.
This is recognized as the premier trip of its kind in the country, and draws visitors from all over the world. It is the best bicycle camping trip in the eastern United States and it is right in our backyard! Come find out what makes it great and start planning your adventure.
Mary Shaw is a Carnegie Mellon University Professor of Computer Science and Roy Weil is a Civil Engineer for Baker Corporation. They are recipients of several awards for their efforts in promoting outdoor recreation in our region. They have also been recognized for their commitment to advancing environmental stewardship through their volunteer efforts of time, energy, and skill, to ensure the outdoors are accessible by all and protected for future generations. They currently serve as donor advisors of the Trail Volunteer Fund at the Pittsburgh Foundation. Shaw and Weil are the authors of Regional Guidebooks (Western Pennsylvania) for bicycling and canoeing including Linking Up: Planning Your Traffic-Free Bike Trip between Pittsburgh PA and Washington D.C. via the Great Allegheny Passage and the C & O Canal Towpath. This book will be available for sale following the program and the proceeds will benefit the Great Allegheny Passage. Mary Shaw and Roy Weil will be introduced by Mark Imgrund, President of the Montour Trail Council.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Doug Oster discusses tomatoes, basil and garlic
Doug Oster writes a garden column for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, a nationally syndicated cooking and gardening column for the LA Times Syndicate, and contributes to national and regional publications. He is co-host and producer of The Organic Gardener's Radio Program, a weekly show on KDKA, and appears weekly on KDKA-TV's Pittsburgh Today Live. He received the 2009 Outstanding Documentary Emmy for Gardens of Pennsylvania, written and produced for WQED. He co-authored two other gardening books, Grow Organic and A Gardener's Journal.
Register for this free program at the library’s circulation desk, call 724.941.9430 or email Carrie Weaver.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Disunity of Effort: America’s Interagency Struggle to Build an Afghan Nation
Monday, March 1, 2010
Visiting Israeli Scholar to speak on Arab-Israeli conflict
A Brooklyn native, Avi Ben-Hur specializes in Land of Israel studies, the history of Jerusalem, Arab-Israeli conflict and Holocaust studies. Avi's expertise is in integrating ideas and knowledge from various disciplines into a comprehensive and coherent narrative. At present, Avi lectures abroad as a "Scholar in Residence", is on the faculty of the University of Haifa Tourism school, is an examiner for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism and guides in Israel and Poland.
The Agency for Jewish Learning (AJL) is a beneficiary agency of the United Jewish Federation. It is committed to enhancing the quality of Jewish learning across the Pittsburgh community. AJL provides training, consultation, resources and networking for educators, and offers a menu of classes for adults, teens, and families.
For additional information, please email Pier Lee, Director, Peters Township Public Library or email Dr. Zipora Gur, AJL Director of Advanced Education or call 412-521-1101 Ext. 3104.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Gallery Opens Tonight!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Energy Cost-Cutting Strategies for Residential Homes
The Peters Township Public Library will host “Energy Cost-Cutting Strategies for Residential Homes” with guest speaker Mike Davic on Thursday, March 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the library’s Meeting Room on the first floor. To register for this program, visit the library’s circulation desk, call 724.941.9430, or email Carrie Weaver. This event is being offered in conjunction with the Peters Township Public Library GO Green Club.
Mike Davic, an Agent for Keller Williams Realty, was part of the first group of Agents in the Pittsburgh area to receive the new GREEN Designation from the National Association of Realtors. The purpose of the designation is to provide real estate professionals with knowledge and awareness of green building principles applied to residences, commercial buildings, developments and communities to help consumers in the purchase, retrofit and operation of energy efficient properties. Mr. Davic has a Bachelor of Science in Engineering plus a strong business background as well.
Image: Danilo Rizzuti /
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Security in a Changing World
These issues will be discussed as part of the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh’s International series at the Peters Township Public Library on Tuesday, February 23 at 7:00 p.m. Panelists from the United States Army War College, Eisenhower Series will lead the discussion, Security in a Changing World, focusing on America’s security concerns in this atmosphere of change.
The Eisenhower Series College Program consists of a team of Army War College students selected for their experience, education, and interest in national security issues. Panelists participating in the program include Colonel Jeffrey P. Marlette, U.S. Army National Guard; Lieutenant Colonel Alan F. Rebholz, U.S. Air Force; and Colonel Steven R. Watt, U.S. Army.
To register for this free program, please visit the library circulation desk, call 724.941-9430, or email Carrie Weaver. An honorarium for these speakers was generously provided by a grant from the McMurray Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 764.
Further details about the Army War College students serving as panelists in this program:
Born in Redfield, South Dakota, COL Jeffrey P. Marlette enlisted in the South Dakota Army National Guard in 1980, and received his commission through the South Dakota Military Academy in 1982. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Education and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Northern State University. He also holds an Educational Specialist Degree from the University of Sioux Falls. COL Marlette was deployed to Iraq, where he spent fifteen months in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. When he is not on active duty, COL Marquette serves the Superintendent of Schools for the Gettysburg, South Dakota School District. He is currently a student at the U.S. Army War College.
Lt Col Alan F. Rebholz began his active duty in the U.S. Air Force in 1989, after graduating from the Reserve Officer Training Corps program. He served in satellite operations, space surveillance and as a Weapons School instructor, deploying to the Joint Task Force in Southwest Asia, where he provided missile warning during Operation Desert Fox. Lt Col Rebholz served as a staff officer at the Pentagon where he served as an Executive Officer for two Air Staff Directorates. He was deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as the first Electronic Warfare Officer for a Counter-Improvised Electronic Device Task Force. Lt Col Rebholz received his B.S. in Mathematics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, his M.B.A. from Webster University, a M.S. in Management from Troy State University; and Master of Military Operational Art and Science from Air Command and Staff College.
Col Steven R. Watt is a 28-year veteran of the U.S. Army and the Utah Army National Guard. Enlisting in 1981, he served in the enlisted ranks and non-commissioned officer corps for 8 years. In 1989 he was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant after attending Officer Candidate School. Since commissioning, he has attended the Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, the Combined Arms Service Support Course, the Special Forces Officer Qualification Course, the Long-Range Surveillance Leaders Course and the Command and General Staff Officer’s Course. COL Watt’s combat tours include Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom. In his civilian career, COL Watts is an Assistant Chief of Police with the Ogden, Utah Police Department, where he has served for 30 years. He is currently a student at the U.S. Army War College.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Free FAFSA Completion Sessions
The morning session will begin at 9:30 a.m. and the afternoon session will begin at 1:00 p.m. Each session will begin with a one-hour overview of the online FAFSA form with time for questions. This will be immediately followed by an optional session to complete your FAFSA form online at the library with assistance from Jayeann Harr of the PHEAA Pittsburgh Regional Office. Interested persons should register for one session only. Register at the library circulation desk, call 724-941-9430, or email Carrie Weaver.
If your child is a high school senior planning to go onto high education, your family must complete the FAFSA to qualify for federal and most state grants, scholarships, low-cost student loans, work-study programs, Pennsylvania state grant programs, and many school-based student aid programs.
To complete the FAFSA online, please bring federal income tax returns, W-2 forms, and business and investment information for both student and parent(s) to the help session. For more information about Federal Student Aid and completing the FAFSA, visit