New research indicates that walking is not only good for your health – it’s also good for your brain. A study by the Department of Psychology,
Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, discovered older adults who walk at a comfortable pace for 40 minutes three times a week can enhance the connectivity between brain circuits and improve cognitive tasks like multitasking and using memory.

Thursday, September 8 at 9:15 a.m., members of the community can join Peters Township Public Library staff and volunteers for a 30-minute walk on the nearby Arrowhead Trail. Called “Listen While You Walk,” this new program offers the opportunity to combine physical exercise while listening to a favorite book or author. The library will offer a selection “Playaways,” all in one audiobooks, for participants to choose from for their walk.
Library Director Pier Lee explained that the library is “offering this fall program as a practical way to help our patrons find time to exercise while listening to a favorite book, whether it’s bestseller or classic title.
The Playaway makes a perfect walking companion. At only 2 ounces, it’s light-weight and fits into the palm of your hand.”
Persons of all ages are encouraged to join in this new venture to exercise your mind while getting your body in shape. Participants will meet at the library at 9:15 a.m., select a Playaway, and proceed from the library to the
Arrowhead Trail for a thirty minute walk.
Register for this free program
online, at the library circulation desk, or call 724-941-9430. For more information about the program, call the Reference Department at 724-941-9430 extension 3.
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