Thursday, December 19, 2013

Finding Healh Care through the Health Insurance Marketplace

Hear key facts about the new health insurance options at Finding Health Care through the Health Insurance Marketplace on Tuesday, January 21 from 7-8:00 p.m. or Thursday, February 20 from 7-8:00 p.m. at the Peters Township Public Library. Register online to attend either the January 21 session or the February 20 session. You may also register at the circulation desk or call 724.941.9430.

Christina Livingston, Outreach & Enrollment Specialist, Cornerstone Care, Washington, PA, will present information to better enable you to find a quality health insurance plan that meets your needs and budget. A variety of topics to help you navigate the Health Exchange will be discussed including: “What Determines Health Insurance Premiums”, “What Qualifies Individuals and Families for Advanced Premium Tax Cuts, and Cost Sharing Reductions”. Ms. Livingston will also explain the differences between the 5 plan categories available – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Catastrophic – and how a geographic area impacts the plans. Information about penalties for non-compliance will also be explained. Following the program, Livingston will remain to answer questions and arrange for individual appointments at Cornerstone Care for those who request a private consult.

Cornerstone Care is a non- profit Community Health Center and one of the Certified Appointment Counselors ready to help Pennsylvania Libraries reach out to their patrons and their communities to apply for health insurance on the website.

Peters Township Public Library, along with other libraries statewide, is powering Pennsylvania’s future by helping persons improve their health literacy and manage their own and their family’s well-being, empowered to be effective partners with their healthcare providers, and live longer, more productive lives.

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